
Opioids do not provide any benefit to OTC meds for low back pain

Combination of these two classes of drugs has not been thoroughly evaluated Low back pain (LBP) is responsible for 2.4% of visits to the emergency department, which results in about 2.7 million visits annually. A significant number of these patients wind up with poor outcomes, with many having functional impairments or needing to take pain-relieving […]

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Opioids are not found to be more effective for relieving pain

These addictive drugs have been commonly prescribed despite a lack of supporting data Since the late ’80s and early ’90s, opioids have been commonly prescribed to individuals with chronic-or long-lasting-pain. Over the years, prescribing these drugs has become a standard practice that many doctors assumed was safe and effective, even though there has always been […]

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Guidelines recommend education, physical therapy, and exercise

Guidelines are necessary to assist doctors with treatment recommendations Low back pain (LBP) is one of the most common of all sources of disability. More than 80% of people will experience LBP at least once in their lives, and it has become the number one reason people visit a doctor for pain that affects the […]

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Muscle Trigger Points

Muscle trigger points can be a source of sometimes debilitating pain. These trigger points may feel like tiny pea-sized indurations inside muscles or may sometimes even be as large as your thumb. The pain you feel may vary from low grade to severe and may occur at rest or only on movement. It is often […]

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Patients receiving expensive and risky treatment for knee surgery

Knee condition is one of the leading causes of disability in the country Osteoarthritis is a painful condition that develops when cartilage breaks down over the course of time. This is why it’s often called “wear and tear” arthritis. Osteoarthritis can occur in any joint in the body, but the hips and knees are affected […]

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Craniosacral Therapy, The Healing Code and Access Bars

From being worked upon by a practitioner to be healed, to learning healing techniques to be able to work on yourself  and then to finally learn the ability to be present in your life in every moment, without judgment of you or anyone else, accept everything, reject nothing, and create everything you desire in life […]

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Integrative Healing Dynamics for Autism: The Diet

Integrating Healing Dynamics for Autism encompasses the following treatments: craniosacral therapy visceral manipulation techniques advice on nutrition and diet Our GOALS in the treatment are as follows: Rebalance the nervous system and release both temporal bones in order to improve: language, learning and focus/ attention,eye contact, social interaction and reduce sleep difficulties Improve intestinal health […]

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Visceral Manipulation In Pediatrics

As we already know, visceral manipulation is organ specific fascial mobilization. In other words, our viscera or organs are treated specifically in relation to their associated structures and surrounding connective tissue. In order to maintain good health in the body the viscera must move in harmony with the other structures in the body. If this […]

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Manipulative Therapies

Manipulative therapies can be defined as methods of resetting a particular body part in order to precipitate a healing response in that body. Quite often the treatment is applied at a distance away from the actual symptoms, to obtain satisfactory results. There are several types of manipulative therapies, among which most importantly are: osteopathy, craniosacral […]

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Visceral Manipulation

The structural integrity of the body and its function are always compromised when there are abnormal tensions in connective tissue. Visceral Manipulation focuses on locating and resolving abnormal tension of connective tissue that links the organs of the body. Correcting these imbalances also release serotonin and can help alleviate chronic irritation and stress, which sometimes […]

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