Body Sculpting Exercises To Shape Your Waistline

Body sculpting exercises to flatten your tummy is the first in the series of our body sculpting program.

The right food choices are key to trimming your waistline and assisting the effectiveness of body sculpting exercises . Success is based on 2 principles. Stay away from fats and sugars. Eat fat burning foods.

  • Walk away from all carbohydrates. The only thing that they do is to hug your waistline by being converted into fat and stored there.
  • A tablespoon of olive oil a day is necessary for energy and proper metabolism. Anymore than this as butter, margarine or oils found in fried foods is stored as love handles.
  • Burn and incinerate fat with increased protein intake. Protein shakes are fun. Fish is the next best choice. Lean meats of course follow.
  • Increase your fiber. These rid you of fat. Fruits and raw vegetables eaten whole, in salads or juiced are great

Add the following exercises to strengthen your transversus abdominis muscle: Set aside 10 minutes every morning to do them. The tummy tucks described below however you could carry out all through the day.

  • Tummy tucks: Here you suck in your stomach as if you want to touch belly button to your spine. This can be done 24/7 all through the day without designating any specific time of day for “exercising”.
  • Deep breathing: Breathe out with a tummy tuck. Hold for 30 seconds. Breathe in on the relaxation. This will improve your breathing capacity.
  • Planks: These are done by staying in a lifted push-up position. Start by getting onto your stomach. Push up on your hands till your elbows are straight and only your palms and toes contact the floor. Your hands are under your shoulders and your feet are hip-width apart. Engage your abdominals and keep your back flat. Simply hold this position for 30. Slowly increase to 1-2 minutes. Repeat 5 times.
  • Advanced Planks: Graduate to alternating leg-lifts by lifting one leg at a time to further enhance the efficacy of this exercise.
  • Side Planks: Do the same as above turning to your sides and pushing up on your hands and staying in a lifted pushup position sideways.
  • Crunches: Sit-ups  are the time proven answer to getting flatter abs.
  • Heel Slides: Lie flat on your back with both knees bent, keeping your back firmly pressed to the surface you are lying on. Slowly slide one heel down, making sure your back is still pressed on  the surface you are lying on. Stop your heel slide when your back lifts off the surface and hold the abdominal contraction for 30 seconds. Repeat 10 times on each side
  • Pelvic Tilts: These are easy transversus abdominis exercises if you are deconditioned or pregnant. Sit on a chair. Push your lower back flat against back of the chair and hold for 30 seconds. Release and allow your lower back to relax. Do 10 repetitions.

Remember  water is  a very important part of weight loss and effectiveness of body sculpting exercises. Recommendations vary from:

  • Drink 8-8 ounce glasses of water per day
  • Drink water that is a third of your body weight in ounces
  • Avoid tea and coffee as these are diuretics and dehydrate you
  • Reduce salt intake as this stores water and increase your weight

The video below explains “body sculpting exercises” to shape your waistline

Check back for more on body sculpting exercises for your arms in our next blog

Try to solve the new Formula Cube! It works exactly like a Rubik’s Cube but it is only $2, from China. Learn to solve it with the tutorial on or use the solver to calculate the solution in a few steps.

Integrative Healing Dynamics for Autism: Its Causes, Diagnoses and Treatment

AUTISM is a puzzling phenomenon that is seen in people of otherwise normal—sometimes above normal—intelligence. However, it is often associated with other problems, and can also appear in mild and severe forms. This variability has led many people to think of it as a spectrum of symptoms rather than a single, clear-cut syndrome. And that variability makes it hard to work out what causes it. Researchers say that individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders are either disinterested in social interactions or find them unpleasant. Sadly, persons with autism spectrum disorders are often painfully aware of their limited sociability, which can lead to profound feelings of sadness and frustration.

CAUSES: Several causes have been attributed to its presence:

  1. A defective SHANK3 gene, which is a human gene on chromosome 22.This gene is a member of the Shank gene family. Shank proteins are present in the brain nerve cells and connect impulses from one nerve cell to the other. Shank proteins also play a role in synapse formation i.e.the points of contact between nerve cells.

    Researchers from Mount Sinai School of Medicine have found that when one copy of the SHANK3 gene in mice is missing, nerve cells do not effectively communicate and do not show cellular properties associated with normal learning.

  2. They also found altered functional and structural plasticity in nerve cells, which is a cellular measure of the flexibility that occurs during learning, and in the synapses.
  3. So, while there is evidence of genetic influence, but no clear pattern of inheritance, one suggestion that does pop up from time to time is that the process which leads to autism involves faulty mitochondria. The mitochondria are a cell’s power packs. They disassemble sugar molecules and turn the energy thus liberated into a form that biochemical machinery can use. Mitochondrial faults could be caused by broken genes, by environmental effects, or by a combination of the two. If faulty mitochondria do turn out to be a cause of autism, even if not in all cases, that question will have to be investigated.

Nerve cells have a huge demand for energy, so a failure of the mitochondria would certainly affect them. The question is, could it cause autism?

  • Mitochondria from children with autism consumed far less oxygen than those from the control group:

Dr Giulivi of the University of California conducted a study on 10 autistic children versus a control group of 10 normal children. She found that mitochondria from children with autism consumed far less oxygen than those from the control group. That is a sign of lower activity. One important set of enzymes—NADH oxidases—used, on average, only a third as much oxygen in autistic children as they did in non-autists, and eight of the autistic children had significantly lower NADH-oxidase activity than is normal.

  • The mitochondria of the autistic children also leaked damaging oxygen-rich chemicals such as hydrogen peroxide.

These are a normal by-product of mitochondrial activity, but are usually mopped up by special enzymes before they can escape and cause harm—for instance, by damaging a cell’s DNA. The level of hydrogen peroxide in the cells of autistic children was twice that found in non-autists. Such high levels suggest the brains of autistic children are exposed to a lot of oxidative stress, something that would probably cause cumulative damage.

DIAGNOSIS: A new scanning technique via MRI, allows an accurate diagnosis of the condition to be made in only 10 minutes.

Researchers at Harvard University have made a vital breakthrough in the early diagnosis of autism which shows how the different parts of the brain interact.

Autism sufferers have weaker brain connections.

The scan shows how well water molecules move along the “wiring”, which links different parts of the brain. From the images, doctors will be able to measure the interaction within the areas of the brain and thus make a diagnosis.


  1. Scientists have found that some symptoms of autism can be alleviated by a nasal spray containing oxytocin, the “bonding” hormone.

    People with autism who inhaled the spray altered their behavior temporarily, becoming more sociable and trusting.

    “Under oxytocin, patients with high-functioning autism respond more strongly to others and exhibit more appropriate social behavior,” wrote Elissar Andari, of the Institut des Sciences Cognitives, a French government centre for neuroscience research, in a summary of a recent conference presentation.

  2. Source:

  3. The drug baclofen, which is, in various for  has in fact been shown to affect oxytocin. “We published a paper last year showing that baclofen strongly activated oxytocin in the rat brain,”
  4. Researchers at the Eastern Virginia Medical School are testing an antibiotic, D-Cycloserine, suggesting it can alter the function of certain receptors in the brain known to affect sociability and help the animals be more at ease around others.
  5. EVMS’ laboratory studies on mice have led investigators to hypothesize that D-Cycloserine could ease the impaired sociability of people with autism, such as avoiding eye contact and personal interaction. Those traits can severely limit the possibility of employment and independent living.

  6. Sensory Integration Therapy: Sensory Integration is the process through which the brain organizes and interprets external stimuli such as movement, touch, smell, sight and sound. Autistic children often exhibit symptoms of Sensory Integration Dysfunction (SID) making it difficult for them to process information brought in through the senses. The goal of Sensory Integration Therapy is to facilitate the development of the nervous system’s ability to process sensory input in a more typical way. Through integration the brain pulls together sensory messages and forms coherent information upon which to act . SIT uses neurosensory and neuromotor exercises to improve the brain’s ability to repair itself. When successful, it can improve attention, concentration, listening, comprehension, balance, coordination and impulsivity control in some children.
  7. Speech Therapy: The communications problems of autistic children vary to some degree and may depend on the intellectual and social development of the individual. Some may be completely unable to speak whereas others have well-developed vocabularies and can speak at length on topics that interest them. Any attempt at therapy must begin with an individual assessment of the child’s language abilities by a trained speech and language pathologist.
  8. Occupational Therapy: Occupational Therapy can benefit a person with autism by attempting to improve the quality of life for the individual. The aim is to maintain, improve, or introduce skills that allow an individual to participate as independently as possible in meaningful life activities. Coping skills, fine motor skills, play skills, self help skills, and socialization are all targeted areas to be addressed.
  9. Healing Dynamics: Craniosacral therapy has proven effective in the treatment of Autism. Children with autism feel virtually trapped within themselves. Typically, autistic children have a very tight cranium with no “give”. They often seem to have very severely compressed temporal bones bilaterally and virtually locked occipital sutures. Treatment aims at releasing these sutures and setting free the bones of the cranium. Other treatment methods incorporated in a session include: neurodevelopmental therapy and visceral manipulation.

Craniosacral Therapy and Autism

The video below on YouTube about Craniosacral Therapy, offers a useful insight on what craniosacral therapy is about and some of its uses on young children and adults alike.

Craniosacral therapy has proven effective in the treatment of Autism. Children with autism feel virtually trapped within themselves. Typically, autistic children have a very tight cranium with no “give”. They often seem to have had a history of very severely compressed temporal bones bilaterally and virtually locked occipital sutures. Treatment aims at releasing these sutures and setting free the bones of the cranium. Today we have a video found on YouTube. It is the story of Taylor Swift, an 17  year girl and her journey to freedom.

Please feel free to comment or write about these topics.

Weight Management: This time of Year…….

Here we are again – that time of year…its about food and feasting…eating is fun, but should be prudent.

“So many people spend their health gaining  wealth, and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health.” A.J. Reb Materi.

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity.Remember the three tools our body needs are oxygen, water and nutrients. Therefore an imbalanced diet, lack of exercise, stress and its relationship to hormone imbalance,an acid-alkaline imbalance and toxic overload are the main causes of  several health issues including weight gain. Just understanding the basics of weight management can help us go a long way.

Terri Guillemets has said: “When it comes to eating right and exercising there is no…….I’ll start tomorrow…….for tomorrow is disease.”

We are holistic beings. Our need is to recognize that our mind, body and soul are interconnected and what effects one has to effect the other. We have heard this one before: “You are what you eat!”…but more truthfully…. “You are what you absorb”

  1. Your diet:
    • Don’t forget fiber in your diet.
    • It has been suggested that at every meal or snack, one should incorporate the following: 30-40% protein, 20% good fats, 40-50% complex carbohydrates
    • When shopping, avoid all foods with labels that say, “hydrogenated,” hydrolyzed” and “saturated fats”.
  2. Decreased metabolism: Increase your metabolism by exercising and maximizing hormonal balance.
    • Exercise: The best time to exercise is in the morning, before you eat breakfast because any stored fat will be used for energy in exercising and will be shed easier. Besides exercise releases serotonins and endorphins that give you the “high” to make you feel good throughout the day.
    • Hormonal Imbalance: Adrenal fatigue and a malfunctioning thyroid gland are the main culprits in making weight gain an issue. This is often caused by stress and toxins.
  3. Stress: This ages the hormonal systems. De-stressing helps you lose weight from the inside out.
    • Don’t forget your Meditation and Breathing Techniques.
    • Practice the Yoga of Psychotherapy. Rid yourself of harmful emotional memory. Take care of your soul.
    • Take a few sessions in Healing Dynamics.
  4. Toxic overload: This must be addressed. Drink plenty of water: 64 oz. daily has been recommended. I have also found the Isagenix Nutritional System a useful tool in helping with toxin elimination with:
    • Your liver cleanse, especially since this is your main filter and must be cleansed regularly.
    • Include a colon cleanse as well.
  5. Acid-Alkaline Imbalance: Disease cannot flourish in an alkaine body. Ideally the body’s pH should remain around 7.3-7.5, which is slightly more alkaline. Test your saliva or urine pH, using litmus paper.(To purchase it online, my “Recommendations” page will give you a link)
    • Acidic foods include: Dairy, viz: eggs, butter, cream, cheese and yogurt. Meat, shellfish and poultry, viz: beef, lamb, pork, chicken, turkey, shellfish and other similar types of foods. Refined sugars and artificial sweeteners in beverages and beverages like coffee, black tea, soda, concentrated juices and of course alcohol.
    • Alkaline foods include: Vegetables and fruits especially citrus fruits and nuts. A green drink, made by juicing/emulsifying all the greens from your ‘garden patch’ has a pH of 10…certainly the way to go!

The following food choice ratios have been recommended:

  • To regain health health(currently suffering/recovering from disease): 90% alkaline and 10% acidic
  • To take your good health to the next level: 80% alkaline and 20% acidic
  • To maintain current great health: a ratio of 70% alkaline and 30% acidic

The whole plan falls into place if you treat yourself as a multi-faceted being. Feed your body, mind and soul healthfully and you will feel better than you have in your entire life.

For more information on the following, visit:

  1. Your Diet:
  2. Your Diet and Hormonal Imbalance
  3. Meditation:
  4. Breathing for Relaxation:
  5. The Yoga Of Psychotherapy
  6. Isagenix: The Cleansing and Fat Burning System:
  7. Acid-Alkaline Foods
  8. When should I exercise

Integrative Healing Dynamics for Myofascial Release

Fascia is the soft tissue fabric that holds us together. It provides support and protection for all the structures within the human body and knits and connects these structures into the form that we are. It extends without interruption from the top of the head to the tip of the toes. Recently, some evidence even suggests that fascia may be able to actively contract in a smooth muscle-like manner and consequently influence musculoskeletal dynamics.

This fascial tissue can become restricted due to psychogenic disease, overuse, trauma, infectious agents, or inactivity often resulting in pain, muscle tension, and corresponding diminished blood flow. This is an inflammatory response in the body that can result in tensile pressures of approximately 2,000 pounds per square inch on pain sensitive structures. Unfortunately this does not show up in many of the standard tests (x-rays, myelograms, CT scans, electromyography, etc.). As in most tissue, irritation of fascia or muscle causes local inflammation. Chronic inflammation results in fibrosis, or thickening of the connective tissue, and this thickening causes pain and irritation, resulting in reflexive muscle tension that causes more inflammation. In this way, the cycle creates a positive feedback loop and can result in ischemia and somatic dysfunction even in the absence of the original offending agent. Myofascial techniques aim to break this cycle through a variety of methods acting on multiple stages of the cycle.

Although fascia and its corresponding muscle are the main targets of myofascial release, other tissue may be affected as well, including our vital organs and nerves by virtue of their connectivity by the fascial system. Basically all muscle stretching is myofascial stretching. Myofascial stretching in one area of the body can be felt in and will affect the other body areas. Therefore release of myofascial restrictions can affect other body organs through a release of tension in the whole fascia system.

Myofascial release has also been loosely used for different manual therapy techniques, including

  • Soft tissue manipulation work such as connective tissue massage,
  • Soft tissue mobilization,
  • Foam rolling,
  • Structural integration, and
  • Strain-counterstrain techniques.

Myofascial techniques generally fall under the two main categories of:

  • Passive (patient stays completely relaxed) or
  • Active (patient provides resistance as necessary), with direct and indirect techniques used in each.

The DIRECT MYOFASCIAL RELEASE (or deep tissue work) method works on the restricted fascia. Practitioners use knuckles, elbows, or other tools to slowly stretch the restricted fascia by applying a few POUNDS of force. Direct myofascial release seeks for changes in the myofascial structures by stretching, elongation of fascia, or mobilizing adhesive tissues. The practitioner moves slowly through the layers of the fascia until the deep tissues are reached.

Dr. Ida Rolf developed Structural Integration, in the 1950s, a holistic system of soft tissue manipulation with the goal of balancing the body by stretching the skin in oscillatory patterns. She discovered that she could change the body posture and structure by stretching the myofascial system. Rolfing is the nickname that many clients and practitioners gave this myofascial release that can be painful.

Michael Stanborough has summarized his style of direct myofascial release technique as:

  • Land on the surface of the body with the appropriate ‘tool’ (knuckles, or forearm etc)
  • Sink into the soft tissue.
  • Contact the first barrier/restricted layer.
  • Put in a ‘line of tension’.
  • Engage the fascia by taking up the slack in the tissue.
  • Finally, move or drag the fascia across the surface while staying in touch with the underlying layers.
  • Exit gracefully.

The INDIRECT METHOD OF MYOFASCIAL RELEASE involves a gentle stretch, with only a few OUNCES of pressure, which allows the fascia to ‘unwind’ itself. This essential “time element” has to do with the viscous flow and the piezoelectric phenomenon: a low load (gentle pressure) applied slowly will allow a viscoelastic medium (fascia) to elongate. The gentle traction applied to the restricted fascia will result in heat and increased blood flow in the area. This allows the body’s inherent ability for self correction to return, thus eliminating pain and restoring the optimum performance of the body. This concept was suggested by Paul Svacina to be analogous to pulling apart a chicken carcass: when it is pulled apart slowly, the layers peel off intact; too fast, and it shreds.

The indirect myofascial release technique, according to John Barnes, P.T. is as follows:

  • Lightly contact the fascia with relaxed hands.
  • Slowly stretch the fascia until reaching a barrier/restriction.
  • Maintain a light pressure to stretch the barrier for approximately 3–5 minutes.
  • Prior to release, the therapist will feel a therapeutic pulse (or heat).
  • As the barrier releases, the hand will feel the motion and softening of the tissue.
  • The key is sustained pressure over time.

SELF-HELP MYOFASCIAL RELEASE: Independence through education in proper body mechanics and movement, self treatment instruction, enhancement of strength, improved flexibility, and postural and movement awareness is always advisable.

For self-treatment you will need a foam roller(approx 6” in diameter). You can get these from any store that sells sports medicine or physical therapy supplies. You could also buy them online. Foam rollers are essentially a poor man’s massage therapist. The techniques are simple: use the roller to apply pressure to sensitive areas in the muscles. The method requires that you place the roller (or any applicable tool) under the painful area and allow yourself to roll over it much like a rolling pin rolls over dough, almost as if you were ironing out the “kinks” in the fascia. The roller is used to apply longer more sweeping strokes to long muscle groups like calves, adductors, quadriceps and the back. You can use small directed force for areas like hip rotators and the gluteal muscles

Other household items such as a tennis ball, rolling pins and bouncy balls can be used to target other muscles such as in the neck, forearms, shoulders, triceps and feet.

General Guidelines: Do this 1-2xdaily:

  • Spend 1-2 minutes per self myofascial release technique and on both sides of the body (when applicable).
  • When a painful area or trigger point is found, hold the position for 30-45 seconds or until pain decreases by 75%.
  • Keep the abdominal muscles tight to stabilize the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex during rolling.
  • Remember to breathe slowly to reduce any tense reflexes caused by discomfort.
  • Remember any tissue release causes the release of toxins in your body. Drink plenty of water to flush these away.

You can also use this self help method of stretching as recommended by John F. Barnes, P.T. on the video below.

Try to solve the new Formula Cube! It works exactly like a Rubik’s Cube but it is only $2, from China. Learn to solve it with the tutorial on or use the solver to calculate the solution in a few steps.